Monday, February 28, 2011

7 Ways to Improve Your Resume

  1. Make it custom. Create a special resume for each different position to improve your resume.  List characteristics the employer is looking for. Be creative, but don’t lie. A detailed description of how to customize a resume will be soon.
     Ex: For a childcare position: Watched neighbors kids = performed private childcare

  1. Read the past. Look at past reviews from previous employers and use the positive remarks on your improved resume. A second place to find the right words is to look at the responsibilities paper from prior job titles.
  1. List everything. Write down all job duties including those that ‘technically’ were not your job to improve your resume. Include duties not done everyday.
     Ex: Train the new employee = trained new employees
     Ex: Looked at new employee progress = supervised employees

  1. Use action verbs. Switch out ordinary words with professional words to improve your resume. Pick up a Thesaurus (a book of synonyms and antonyms) at the Dollar Tree, Walmart or thrift store. Another option when using a computer is to select the word and right-click, then hover over synonyms.
Ex: answered phones = operated multi-line switchboard.  Word List

  1. Check spelling. Try the SpellCheck feature when using a word processing program, but look for autocorrect mistakes. Autocorrect is when the computer corrects a word that you want spelled in a different way.
    6.   Keep it fresh and short. Always have an updated resume; it only takes a few  minutes to add a new job. Most resumes should be only a page long.

  1. Write different type of skills. Use job specific words and general skills. J
    ob specific examples: Knows web-based programs, experienced with computer   machinery. General skill examples: multi-tasking skills, quick learner, works efficiently.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Work and Help Others

The Indianapolis Star published an article today about how PNC bank is allowing their employees to volunteer in the community. I think this is a great opportunity and ties comfortably to an article I wrote about helping others.  Specifically, workers can take forty hours of paid leave throughout the year to serve at any preschool. For an added bonus, after the forty hours are accrued the then the corporation will donate a thousand dollars to that school in the volunteer’s name.

I think this is a step in the right direction and hopefully other companies take suit. Sadly, it will take the workforce to mention/arrange for their employers to start such a program. With persistence volunteers, working with their managerial staff can make a difference.

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